This page demonstrates the actions and results of Kolarctic Cross Border Cooperation programme 2014-2020. The programme, also known as Kolarctic CBC, is one of several European Neighbourhood Instument (ENI) programmes on the external border of the EU. The programme has been implemented by financing projects which fulfil the aims of it. The last projects have ended during year 2023. In this publication, the projects and their results are in the center of attention, but there is also someting about the programme itself.
In the description of each project, there is a link to information about the project in KEEP database. is a database where all European Union cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation programmes are present. All projects in these programmes are registered and described there. Especially the financial details, partners, locations, are described in detail. KEEP includes various search functions.
The Regional Council of Lapland is working as the Managing Authority of Kolarctic CBC.
Branch Offices are at Finnmark County Council in Norway, and County Administrative Board of Norrbotten in Sweden.

Sources of images on this page: Kolarctic CBC projects, Lapin Materiaalipankki,, Norwegian Barents Secretariat,, Barents Spektakel
This website has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Regional Council of Lapland and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.