To develop in a sustainable way, Arctic aquaculture needs to expand and implement environmentally friendly farming and feeding practices. SMEs alone cannot make all the needed innovation work and need support from research partners to implement new practices under commercial conditions.
ARCTAQUA project has contributed to an expansion of an economic, ethical and environmentally sustainable aquaculture industry in the Arctic region. In alternative to most of marine farming projects focused on Atlantic salmon, ARCTAQUA has dealt with other fish species (whitefish, nelma, wolfish, Arctic char). These species have a high economic value and have proved to be suitable for farming in the Arctic region.
The results of the project represent the most specialised research. The consortium has studied
- the effect of more sustainable feed on the health of wolffish
- effects of other diets on fish
- the optimal density of arctic char on fish farms
Spotted wolffish
- the fertility of arctic char
- the genetic diversity of arctic char
And develped protocols for
- broodstock follow-up
- egg incubation and monitoring
- egg transport
- hatching and start feeding
The strength of ARCTAQUA lies in gathered, complementary scientific expertise within the consortium and in close collaboration with SMEs from Russia, Sweden, Finland and Norway. The generated results are critical elements for the sustainable development of viable farming of spotted wolffish, Arctic char and European whitefishes.
Lead partner: Nord University, Bodø
Other partners:
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
- University of Gothenburg, Göteborg
- Murmansk State Technical University, Murmansk
- Berg State Research Institute on Lake and River Fisheries, Saint-Petersburg
- Akvatik AS, Bodø
- Sigerfjord Fisk AS, Sortland
- Natural Resources Institute of Finland (LUKE), Oulu