Transport and logistics is a key factor of our livelihoods

It is important that transport and logistics decisions made in the Barents region are based on a common strategy between the countries, and not just on national plans. For pursuing this purpose, the Barents Regional Working Group of Transport and Logistics (BRWGTL), developed the idea for the project “Barents Region Transport and Logistics”. The BRTL project (1.11.2018 – 30.4.2022) focused on implementing the Barents Region’s common, strategy-level transport document at regional level. The global economy, innovations in production methods and the international political situation constantly bring new conditions for transport and logistics. Also, the world has experienced that the new conditions are not always predictable.

The project produced altogether seven reports which content-wise were built around three main themes: economic competitiveness of the Barents Region’s logistics, Green Transport – environmentally friendly mobility of peoples and goods, and Smart mobility.

BRTL Plan document gives proposals for future development and co-operation. Part of the work has been outlining the transport corridor development. Key questions in transport corridor development are :

  • How will the transport system respond to the Green Industrial Shift?
  • How can efficient cross-border corridors be formed that share data and create continuous fueling / charging infrastructure?
  • How can the transport system respond to new mobility demands? How can it ease industry’s ability to get qualified workforce?

The Lead Partner, Regional Council of Kainuu, has made the reports available on the website




Project: Barents Region Transport and Logistics (BRTL

Lead Partner: Regional Council of Kainuu, Kajaani

Other partners:

  • Regional Council of Oulu region, Oulu
  • Regional Council of North Karelia, Joensuu
  • Regional Council of Lapland, Rovaniemi
  • Finnmark fylkeskommune, Vadsø
  • Troms fylkeskommune, Tromsø
  • Nordland fylkeskommune, Bodø
  • Norway Public Road Administration, Bodø
  • County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, Luleå
  • County Administrative Board of Västerbotten, Umeå
  • State Committee of Transport of Karelian Republic, Petrozavodsk
  • Arkhangelsk Regional Road Administration, Arkhangelsk
  • Strategic Partnership on economic and social development of the North-West federal district, St Petersburg

Project information in KEEP database