The question of demolished concrete waste

Concrete is a second most consumed artificial material in the building industry. Construction faces certain challenges connected to the carbon footprint of concrete. In Europe, about 150 million tonnes of concrete waste is produced every year (source: CEMBUREAU) Re-using of concrete has been a topic of development globally, The Kolarctic CBC funded project De-Concrete focused on re-using large volumes of reinforced concrete wastes and search for optimal technological and economic methods for their recycling.
The video below presents the topic. First, Mr Arkadiy Ayzenshtadt, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor in Northern Arctic Federal University, describes the meaning of the project.

The project carried out comparison of existing demolition practices, case studies and laboratory testing of new demolition techniques, development of waste management strategy, and recommendations for the most eco-efficient approaches to reuse and recycling of concrete.

In total 30 publications, presentations, and study materials were realised. Achieved results were disseminated to the industries on regional, national and international levels in the form of matchmaking results of companies, workshops, meetings, seminars and conferences. It contributed to better knowledge in the topic and consequently impacted to safety and risk reductions in concrete industry and operations

The DECONCRETE project has built a good partnership in cross-border cooperation. The participating institutions, in cooperation with some other European partners, are today carrying out a project Arctic Low Carbon Concrete with outstanding Sustainability and Durable Properties (ArCorD).


Project: DeConcrete: Eco-efficient Arctic Technologies Cooperation

Lead partner: Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk

Other partners:

  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Narvik
  • Northern Research Institute Narvik, Narvik
  • University of Oulu, Oulu

Basic information about the project in KEEP database