Kolarctic CBC projects find necessary material here: instructions, other information, and templates for reporting. The central document to get to know is the Project Implementation Manual: it is a guide from the Managing Authority to the projects. It clarifies the conditions and gives many practical advice.
Materials & info
Project Implementation Manual
The Project Implementation Manual has been updated on 1st October, 2023
Some project budgets need major changes. For these cases, the Managing Authority has made instructions for how the project should prepare their proposal for budget changes, to be submitted to the MA. The Excel file here: Instructions and template for budget change 25 August 2021 includes the instructions and an example.
Grant contract
After the JMC has approved a project to be financed and the Grant Contract negotiatios are done the contact person of the project in the Managing Authority drafts a Grant Contract. Each signed Grant Contract will be in PROMAS when it is signed.
The following annexes are in every Grant Contract:
- Annex I: Project Plan
- Annex II: Conditions applicable to Grant Contracts financed by Kolarctic CBC programme
- Annex III: Project budget
- Annex IV: Terms of Reference for an expenditure verification of a grant contract
- Annex V: Contract-award procedures
- Annex VI: Award of procurement contracts by Russian private beneficiaries
Depending on project, other annexes may be necessary.
Projects have to provide the reports to the Managing Authority during the implemetation time. A central topic to assess is: has the project delivered what it has planned? This is possible to assess when the deliverables and other outputs are clearly defined at the beginning of the project, and when the project, in its reports, pays attention to describing the activities and outputs according to the work plan given in the application. The Managing Authority will see if the project will keep its promise about delivering results to the target groups.
Following project’s report are filled in and submited in PROMAS:
- Project update
- Interim report (narrative and financial parts)
- Final report (narrative and financial parts)
- real (expenditure was really incurred and revenues are identified and quantified)
- accurately recorded (amounts are stated and recorded according to the supporting documents)
- eligible (in line with eligibility criteria) in accordance with the Grant Contract.
Communication & Visibility
- The objectives, activities, outputs, results or/and impacts of the project, and
- The Kolarctic CBC and the participating countries’ support to the project.
The Managing Authority has published a Communication and Visibility insructions to projects, which gives advce and hints about communication of projects in general, and formal requirements set by the programme. You can download it here: Project communication guide April 2022 (updated in April 2022)
Visibility material: Kolarctic CBC logos to be used by projects>>
Collecting and reporting Kolarctic CBC Indicators
Kolarctic CBC projects have in the application phase included in their plan some indicator info: figures on mostly quantitative targets for outputs and results. The MA has collected instructions for collecting and reporting the indicator data – and what the indicators are for. You can see them in this file: Collecting and reporting Kolarctic CBC Indicators
PROMAS is an electronic Programme Management System, which project partners use during the whole Project cycle.
The system is used for submitting Payment requests, Interim and Final reports, Project updates, Amendment requests etc. to the Managing Authority.
Delivery of signed documents
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the original signed Annex 7 of the Financial report shall be submitted latest with the last Interim report (final payment will not be paid before receiving of the originals). Same rule applies for the singed Interim report (print from PROMAS) and Payment request. Although all scan copies of the signed documents have to be submitted to the Managing Authority in order to approve the Interim report. If you are having difficulties getting signatures to the documents to be provided to the Managing Authority, please be in contact with your project contact person, or the person checking your report in the Managing Authority. Instructions will be given on a case by case basis. In cases where you need to contact the Managing Authority, the partners first contact the Lead partner, after which the Lead partner contacts the Managing Authority.
Material for projects
Manuals for projects (last update October 2023)
ppt presentations
Co-funded by the European Union logo to be used by projects
Grant Contract and its Annexes
Documents for the Final Report
STANDARD PROJECTS: Documents for the Financial part of Interim Report
STANDARD PROJECTS: Documents for Expenditure and Revenue verification (last update 15 May 2020)
MICRO PROJECTS: Documents for the Financial part of Final Report
MICRO PROJECTS: Documents for Expenditure and Revenue verification
Capitalization events in December 2022 and January 2023
Kolarctic CBC and Karelia CBC have arranged events in order to support their projects in capitalization activities. The presentations can be found below. (The list is under update)
A View to Arctic Forests – presentations 25th January, 2023
Keynote speech: Different needs, same forests – how to use forests in a sustainable way, Hanna-Leena Pesonen
Added Value from Logging Residues, Tero Tuuttila
Access-2-Forest, Timo Tahvanainen
The project EXPERT has produced learning materials, e.g. videos, about excavator work in restoration activities. In the event, the project presented two of the videos accompanied with discussion:
Restoration of wetlands (in Swedish)
Removal of migration barriers (in Swedish)
Videos in Finnish or with Finnish subtitles will be available later.
Circular Aconomy and Waste Management in the Arctic – presentations 26th January, 2023
Keynote speech: Framing Circular Economy and CityLoops as an exampleof draftinga roadmap, Raimo Lilja
DeConcrete Priyadharshini Perumal
Online training
Online learning platform on Cross-Border Cooperation under the European Neighbourhood Instrument!
Video tutorials, written guidance and training material to support you in project implementation: Project Management and Monitoring, Financial Management, Expenditure Verification, Communication and Capitalisation.