This project has aimed to develop a better understanding of the real needs and priorities of SMEs in the Kolarctic region, with respect to development of New Natural Kolarctic Products (NNKPs) with assistance from research institutes and academic institutions. The target group were SMEs, and they were invited to present success stories, priorities, needs and problems that they have encountered in the development, approval and marketing of natural products based on local raw material resources.
The project concluded with a hybrid physical/online seminar where participants and SMEs gavce presentations about their organisations and products. The seminar took place in Arkhangelsk and was well-attended by Russian SMEs, underlining the high level of interest in Russia for the project.
Project: New Natural Kolarctic Product SME Assistance
Lead partner: SINTEF Narvik A.S., Norway
Other partners:
- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Northern State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk
- University of Oulu