3rd Call for ProposalsKolarctic CBC will launch the 3rd Call for Proposals on 21st September and it will close on 21st December at 16.00 Finnish time. Organisations can apply for financing from all the Thematic Objectives of the programme:
The Kolarctic CBC Programme encourages especially projects that promote Fluent mobility of people, goods and knowledge through TO 7 and TO 10. Information about the 3rd CfP is available on https://kolarctic.info/applying/ |
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Information about applying: consultations
During previous calls for proposals, the MA and the Branch Offices have arranged general information events an announced them in public. During the 3rd call, they will not arrange them in the same way. The new solution is that the MA and the Branch Offices are available for individual consultations and round table discussions. The MA and the Barnch Offices take your proposals about where you would like to meet them, and proposals about possible dates. The programme staff (in cooperation with you clients) can arrange visits according to the needs that you have expressed.
In one consultative event we may invite more than just one organization – it may be reasonable when more than one organization from the same town (remote from us) are interested.
Feel free to contact the Managing Authority or the Branch Office in your country: the contact information is available in https://kolarctic.info/contact-us/
Arctic Project Clustering Event in Rovaniemi
The Arctic Cooperation Programmes – Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme, Interreg Nord, Interreg Botnia-Atlantica, Kolarctic CBC and Karelia CBC – invites projects to the 2nd Arctic Project Clustering Event on the 7th of November in Rovaniemi, Finland.
The aim of the event is to provide specialists and projects with a forum to meet each other, share experiences and find synergies, new partnerships and possibilities for cooperation. There will also be discussion on Post-2020.
Kolarctic CBC published a ”Save the date” on kolarctic.info on 14 September: https://kolarctic.info/news-and-events/save-the-date-the-2nd-arctic-project-clustering-event-in-november-7-2018/