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Northern Axis - Barents Link (KO4159 NABL)

Programme funding: 1 031 412 € Total budget: 1 246 904 € Duration: 04.11.2019 – 31.05.2022

The main objective of the NABL project is to improve cross-border mobility and east-west transport corridors in the Kolarctic region. Currently, the east-west transport networks and their continuations to Northern Sea Route are either non-existing, non-continuous or not in proper condition. This goes to road, railway, airborne transport, which hindrances regional development in the area. The project activities will increase understanding and define economic viability of several transport initiatives aimed at development of east-west transport networks. The project will produce joint evaluation instruments and infrastructure solutions, necessary for harmonized development of transport corridors. Involvement of relevant decision makers and organizations responsible for maintenance and development of transport links ensures sustainability of project results and their use in construction and operation of roads. Better transport links between neighbor regions will be beneficial both for their residents, business companies, regional authorities and also for tourists coming to the Kolarctic region.
Lead partner: Regional Council of Kainuu, Kajaani
Other partners:
* Futurum AS, Narvik, Norway
* Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
* The Local Federation of East Lapland, Kemijärvi, Finland
* Strategic Partnership «North-West», Saint-Petersburg, Russia
* Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden
* Arkhangelsk regional road administration, Arkhangelsk, Russia
* Association of International Road Carriers, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
* Nenets Oil Company, Iskateley settlement, Russia
* Finnish Transport Agency, Oulu, Finland
* UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, Narvik, Norway
Status: Ongoing
Type of the project: Standard Projects