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Kolarctic Food Refining CBC Project (KO2072 KFR)

Programme funding: 2 322 396 € Total budget: 2 580 439 € Duration: 10.10.2018 – 31.05.2022

This project develops by means of cross-border-cooperation handling and refining of reindeer meat and wild forest berries. Many of the project participants are companies from Finland and Russia, representing reindeer meat and forest berry business and other expert organisations.
As to the reindeer meat and by-products, the specific objective is to use and refine in cross-border-cooperation more and better than earlier the ecologically pure and healthy products from the reindeer husbandry in Murmansk region and Nenets Autonomous district. The project seeks to improve the profitability of the partners, with additional working places and increasing income as a result.
As to the forest berry products, the specific objective is to use and refine in cross-border-cooperation more and better than earlier the ecologically pure and healthy forest berries from the Murmansk region and Finnish Lapland.
Lead partner: NordConsult Oy, Rovaniemi
Other partners:

*Lihankäsittely Hanhela avoin yhtiö, Ranua, FINLAND
*Arctic Berry Finland Oy, Rovaniemi, FINLAND
*Cooperative KorvatunturinMaan Osuuskunta, Savukoski, FINLAND
*Union “Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Murmansk region/Northern, Murmansk, RUSSIA
*SPK "Put Ilitsa", Khorey-Ver, RUSSIA
*OOO "Kolsky kray", Murmansk, RUSSIA
*Agricultural Production Cooperative Fishing Collective Farm “Vozrozhdenie”,Teriberka, RUSSIA
*North-West Centre of Food Security Issues (NWCFSI), St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
*Nenets Centre of Energy Efficiency and Cleaner Production (NCEECP), Naryan-Mar, RUSSIA
*SHPK "Tundra", Lovozero, RUSSIA
Status: Finalised
Type of the project: Standard Projects