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Facility Management of Residential Buildings in Barents Region (KO1087 FAMARB)

Programme funding: 789 460 € Total budget: 877 177 € Duration: 01.12.2018 – 31.08.2022

Nordic countries and the Russian north are located in the arctic and subarctic areas and have similar climatic conditions, where temperature difference between winter and summer conditions can exceed 70°C. Buildings in these areas are affected by climate in the same manner. Low temperatures, snowy and icy weather, strong winds have impact on how we build, operate and live in our buildings. Existing building methodologies are often based on traditional solutions that have proven their efficiency, and sharing this competence between the countries can give valuable insight and new ideas to products, materials and methods that are more sustainable.
The essence of the FAMARB project is to bring effective operation and management of residential buildings into focus by adapting various concepts of energy efficiency and energy saving through upgrading or renovation that will improve maintenance of buildings and decrease emissions to the environment.
Lead partner: UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Other partners:

*Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Oulu, FINLAND
*Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, RUSSIA
*RISE Research Institute of Sweden, Borås, SWEDEN
Status: Ongoing
Type of the project: Standard Projects