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From Idea to Printing of Metal Products (KO4012 I2P)

Programme funding: 654 461 € Total budget: 1 011 564 € Duration: 01.10.2019 – 31.12.2022

3D-printing is ranked by recognized international experts among the ten most important future technologies in industrial production. In short, this technology can be described as follows: the laser beam scans the programmed shape of a future product to melt the metal powder and to gradually grow the new product, layer by layer. During the last years 3D-printing, also called additive manufacturing (AM) became strongly implemented in certain regions and by certain companies while others are still very reluctant, including the Kolarctic area. 3D-printing is far more than just substituting one manufacturing technique by another. AM offers to skip a number of manufacturing steps, new opportunities for design and function of products, very efficient production in terms of low costs and low environmental impact. Although additive manufacturing offers high potential, it is hard to unlock it, particularly for SMEs, because AM requires knowledge and skills for more complex, sophisticated changes, which are difficult to acquire.
I2P project faces this challenge and offers a substantial initiative to enhance the skills and resources in 3D-printing of metal products. The project will enhance awareness on opportunities and limitations of this promising technology among industrial enterprises. Consequently, I2P will be a starting point for development of new business ideas applicable for small and medium-sized enterprises. It will also make input into growth of business, employment rate and attractiveness of the Kolarctic region.
Lead partner: Luleå University of Technology
Other partners:
* Mekinor Metall AB, Kalix, Sweden
* Saltvik Plogen AS, Narvik, Norway
* The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
* Northern Arctic Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
* Sozvezdye, Arkhangelsk, Russia
* Filtra Group Oy, Oulu, Finland
* University of Oulu, Finland
Status: Ongoing
Type of the project: Standard Projects