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Arctic Layered Intrusions as a Source of Critical Metals for Green Economy (KO5125 ARLIN)

Programme funding: 69 996 € Total budget: 99 993 € Duration: 25.11.2020 – 30.11.2021

The aim of the micro project was to plan a larger, collaboration project, which will conduct a detailed study of mafic layered intrusions in the Arctic region for the genetic models and exploration strategy of the mineral deposits. The project has refined the existing ore-genetic models that can be used to reduce the environmental impact and costs of exploration and mining.
Special emphasis was placed on combining the resources, experience, knowledge and technological capabilities of leading research, academic and industrial institutions of the European Arctic (Finland, Norway and Russia), as well as on attracting young researchers and students to studies of layered intrusions and related mineralizations.
The study of mafic layered intrusions contributes to the adaptation of this and future generations to the climate change, its mitigation and raising awareness of the local population and industrial decision-makers on the possibilities of environmental protection during exploration and mining.
Lead partner: University of Oulu
Other partners:
Geological institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Murmansk, Russia)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Nordland, Norway)
Geological Survey of Finland (Lapland, Finland)
University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland)
Type of the project: Micro Projects