The Joint Monitoring Committee of Kolarctic CBC has decided that the next Call for Proposals is somewhat later than it planned earlier. The programme opens for applications on the 21st of September, and the call closes on 21st of December 2018.
This is one way of adjusting to the schedule of the Financing Agreement ratification in the Federal Assembly of Russia. As we have written earlier, the Federal Assembly (aka Duma) has planned the ratification to happen by the end of July this year.
All thematic objectives of the programme will be open for project proposals. The JMC would like to encourage applications especially to Thematic Objectives TO 7 and TO 10. *
In its meeting on 24rd April, the JMC also decided about some minor adjustments to the handling procedure of the applications.
The Managing Authority will publish more information about the 3rd call on this website and by its e-mailing list as soon as possible.
* TO 7: Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of sustainable and climate-proof transport and communication networks and systems, and TO 10: Promotion of border management and border security, mobility and migration management