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Cross-border dialogue and Multi-Use Planning in the Pasvik and Grense Jakobselv catchments (KO1110 Multi-Use Plan)

Programme funding: 363 733 € Total budget: 404 148 € Duration: 01.12.2018 – 30.09.2021

The overall objective of this project is to sustain and improve the state of the environment within Pasvik and Grense Jakobselv cross-border river basins, to the benefit of local people, and to increase the viability of the local economy.
The project output will be a revised Multi-Use Plan document for the river basins of Pasvik and Grense Jakobselv published by the end of 2019.
The target groups in the planning process will include regional authorities and the municipalities of Pechenga (Russia), Sør-Varanger (Norway) and Inari (Finland), local enterprises and industry, hydropower companies, research- and monitoring institutions, non- governmental organisations (NGO’s) as well as other representatives of the local population in the area.
Lead partner: The Office of the Finnmark County Governor, Vadsø
Other partners:

*Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in Lapland, Rovaniemi, FINLAND
*Pasvik State Nature Reserve, Nikel, RUSSIA
Status: Finalised
Type of the project: Standard Projects